Course curriculum

  • 1

    Server & Cocktail Server Training

    • Welcome, Table of Contents

    • Server Functions & Responsibility

    • Kitchen Sanitation & Cleanliness

    • Food Handling & Storage

    • Guest Ordering Procedures

    • Beverage Ordering Procedures For Servers

    • Closing Out A Table

    • Server Closing Procedures

    • Safety

    • The Guest

    • Liquor Laws

    • Personal Appearance

    • Operations

    • Performance Standards

    • Conclusion

    • Server/ Cocktail Assessment Exam

    • Server Training - Beverage ordering

    • Server Training - Closing Out A Table

    • Server Training - Conclusion

    • Server Training - Food Handling And Storage

    • Server Training - Kitchen Sanitation & Cleanliness

    • Server Training - Liquor Laws

    • Server Training - Operations

    • Server Training - Guest Ordering Procedures

    • Server Training - Performance Standards

    • Server Training - Personal Appearance

    • Server Training - Safety

    • Server Training - Server Closure Procedures

    • Server Training - Server Functions And Responsibilities

    • Server Training - The Guest

    • Server Training - Welcome Table Of Contents